Designer Ties,
For Her

Chichi Ties craft designer ties for her. Not only are our ties designed exclusively for females, they will rival any male tie manufacturer in the market.

What makes a tie, designer?

The Encarta Dictionary defines designer as:

  1. Designed by somebody famous, created or produced by a famous designer;
  2. Fashionable, trendy, popular, and usually expensive;   
  3. Specially made, created for a specific purpose, requirement, or need.

Chichi ties encompass the designer definition:

  1. Are we famous? Yes, we are the first female tie company in history. Chichi will be a house hold name in the years to come.
  2. Not only will we be fashionable, trendy, and popular, you can expect that our prices will reflect our quality.
  3. We are specially made and specifically for female, sophisticated fashion requirements and needs.

Not only do we manufacture designer ties, every tie that we manufacture will be designer.

With other famous designers, the varieties of styles are dictated by the current season trends. The choice in colors, materials, and designs are all suggestive of the fashion motif of that season.

Chichi, will never totally depend on the fashion trends of the season to depict our style. We believe that wearing a Chichi Tie says that you set your own style and that you are a fashionista in your own right.

Conforming to fads is something we will strive never  to do.

What we are here to do is bring classic, beautiful designs that are chosen because they look first-rate. Trending color, designs, or patterns may have an intricate part and very limited role in our design choice, but will never be the sole determining factor in our selection.

When you think of an exclusive tie designer, you generally think the big name clothiers that make ties within their labels as an accessory and not as the main business it’s self.

Expensive brands such as Polo, Versace, Hermes, and Gucci, do not specialize in ties; they specialize in clothes and offer a tie as a piece in their collection of accessories.

Designing ties for ladies will be the sole focus of our brand.

Our main goal is to be on par or better than the current name brands. As a signature characteristic of our trademark, we will create quality wears that reflect all the persona that will instill our place in history as the first female company of the world...

...Chichi !

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