Men Neck Ties,
How They Are Made

In the manufacturing of men neck ties, there are about 22 steps. Given the manufacturer, you can add or subtract a few.

The steps range from cutting the materials to sewing or stitching on the manufacturer’s label. This is done all with exact precision that will yield a garment of beauty and undeniable fashion.

In the beginning the fabric is arranged onto a cutting table. For fabric consisting of only one color, a machine is used to cut multiple layers at one time. Fabrics with patterns are generally cut by hand in order to guarantee an attractive design once the tie is finished.

Ties are cut in three sections, sometimes two for cheaper neck wear. It averages out to be about 33 square feet (10 square meters) of material should yield about 40 ties. Which all have to be cut on a bias.

The interlining is cut on a bias as well.

The interlining usually consists of wool or cotton depending on the weight of the outer fabric. A heavier shell will consist of a lighter interlining and vice versa. A lighter shell will be constructed using a heavier lining.

The correct weight of both the interlining and shell insures that men neck ties lay properly and tie correctly in a way that looks neat and proper.

The look and finish is affected by the interlining of the tie. It is vitally important to the appearance of the garment that the inlay be just the right width.

Too narrow and the lining will slip back and forth; too wide the shell of the tie will scrunch. It should fill out the shell exactly to the rim in order for the tie to have a flawless appearance.

If you find that a tie that you have purchased wrinkles after wearing it, take it back and have it replaced.

Once the shell and interlining are cut, the outer shell is sewn together so that the seams are located in the neckband area under the shirt collar. Production then proceeds from the inside out.

The ends are hemmed and tipping is added.

Seams and ends are pressed into shape and the interlining is stitched to the outer shell. This is done by hand if the tie is very expensive, but by a slip stitching machine in most cases.

The tie is now turned right side out and a cardboard shape is inserted while the tie is pressed on the reverse side.

Finally the manufacturer’s designer or store’s label is sewn on the back.

This may be in the form of a loop, so that the back apron, or small apron, of the tie can be slipped through after tying.

After labeling, a bar tack stitch is often added to reinforce the slip stitching which joins the tie together.

Three machines are commonly used for the manufacture of ties. The Toni machine joins the blanket to the shell, and centers the blanket (lining) and chain stitches in a zig-zag which closely simulates hand stitching. The Liba machine, a semi-automatic machine, also reproduces hand slip stitching.

You should never cut the slip stitch due to the fact that the tie may fall apart. The slip stitch is sewn into the tie to allow for movement and flexibility of the fabrics during wearing and tying of knots.

However we decide to manufacture your Chichi Tie, know that it will be made using the highest of standards and highest quality materials available.

Because we will never compromise quality over quantity,

Your garment will always be...

...Chichi  !

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