Silk Tie,
Chichi's Guide to Choosing Quality

A silk tie is soon to be one of the most commonly worn lady’s accessory. In some cases women are known by the designer accessories that they wear. In many cases, they are even judged by them.

How can you tell what is a high quality designer tie--one that is worth spending the money to add to your wardrobe?

Several criteria will help you to select a great tie that is worth the price that you pay for it.  Much like a diamond, a silk tie is judged by five critical points and from those points you will know it to be a tie that you should either accept or reject.  

Not only are these qualities you should consider when looking at price, these are the characteristics that maintain a great garment for years of use.

Among the items which you might review when you are judging the quality of a woman's tie include these: 

  • Cut
  • Elasticity,
  • Slip Stitch,
  • Secure Lining,
  • and Pull


A quality silk tie is cut on an angle. This angle is called a bias and it generally runs forty-five degrees.  To see this detail, examine the ribbing. The ribbing is the section of knitting in a pattern of raised vertical lines, making a stretchy fabric.

Check the ribbing and see if it has diagonal strips running at a 45 degree angles in relationship to the vertical axis. If you hold the tie straight, does the pattern run cross ways?

If you are unable to notice this detail, hold the tie by the narrow end and let it dangle for a moment. If it folds consistently or twists to one side or the other, the chances are good that the tie was not correctly cut and will always hang slightly sideways, not only when it is held freely, but also when it is on your body.


To check a silk tie’s elasticity, hold the tie at both the narrow and wide ends and pull. If the tie returns back to it’s original length, the tie is well made. If it doesn't, the fabric’s quality should be in question.

Slip Stitch, Does it have one?

A slip stitch is an indication of hand finishing. All finely crafted and quality ties incorporate this feature. A slip stitch is the key that assure the ties elasticity and shape. Without this attribute, a tie would not have room to play and could be damaged by knotting and unknotting. This gives the materials and stitching protection from normal wear and tear and allows the tie to stretch without damage from pulling.

The slip stitch is indicated by the presence of a small loop of sewing thread located on the back of one or both ends of the tie. It is held in place by two stitches that protect the seam and secure the lining.

Because this is a feature that can only be done by hand, it is a sign of care and craftsmanship of a quality silk tie.

Verify Secure Lining

Make sure that the two seams that secure the lining at each end of the tie are securely sewn together. These seams guarantee that the surface of the tie stays in place and doesn't bunch or shift. The stitching should go the length of the tie and up enough to completely cover the interlining, if it contains a lining.


Lastly, pull gingerly on the lining to make sure that it doesn't come out of place or shift. Also double-check that the lining completely covers the interlining.

If all of these characteristics exist, then you have yourself a quality tie.

Not only will Chichi Ties encompass all of these qualities, great design will also be a consideration of why choosing our ties will be a great investment for not only your wardrobe, but for your wallet as well…

...Chichi !

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